Monday 30 December 2013

Harder to Lose weight After Kids? Study Reveals Why...

Recent Study Reveals Why Its Harder To Lose Weight As a Mom
This Overlooked Factor Is The Reason Why Its Harder To Lose Weight As a Mom
Little Known Reason Why Its Harder To Lose Weight As a Mom [Hint: It’s biological]

Hi all,

Do you want be like Christina Aguilera successfully lost 14kg? 

Have you ever noticed how it seems harder to lose weight after having kids?

You eat the same, work out just as much, and follow your pre-baby routine practically to the letter…

But for some reason, you seem to be putting on weight more easily and having a harder time shedding it…

Sound familiar?

Well the other day, I was visiting my good friend and she was telling me about how she experienced the same thing after her kids.

After trying out virtually every “name brand” weight-loss solution out there and not seeing the results she wanted, she took the matter into her own hands to find something that actually worked.

During her research, she discovered a scientific study that revealed why its “harder” for moms to lose weight after pregnancy.

Honestly, I was shocked when she told me what it was…

You can find out here Lean Mom why plus receive a special secret recipe for removing stretch marks and tightening loose belly skin!

Hope to you see you again! 

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Eat or not to eat..

Today is 5th day I'm on diet...FINALLY! It so hard to convince myself to control what I'm eating coz I LOVE to family (my mom's family)  LOVE to EAT..when we gathering FOODS the most important part...hehee

Why I'm suppose to diet? That is 1st question knock in my head...
Main reason is I don't want get sick & get heritage of  my family disease because from our family medical history we have heart attack,diabetic & cancer! 2nd reason- my feet & knees hurt so badly I can't stand & walk for a long time period (I think b'coz of I put on weight)! 3rd reason - I want be healthy & fit as possible I can be because I want live longer & can see my kids grown up..4th reason- I want to wear dress & jeans like I used to. Everytime when I'm shopping for my clothes I'm scared..I'm scared all the clothes & pants I choose not fit me. I wondering people around me think they would say "you not fit to that clothes..bla..bla.." & end up I'm cry coz hard for me to find the sizes that fit me...& last not least - my mom keep mocking me I'm fat :( (it kinda sad but it's true). 

How I start it? 
Honestly, every morning I seek for courage to start it. First thing that encourage me when Christina Aguilera lost her weight!! So true!! She motivated me to start all these!! So, I start download all the workout videos. My workout regime every morning with my kiddos (even though they love to interrupt me) So, I started with YOGA..if you never try Yoga my advise YOU SHOULD! It helps you proper breathing  & make your body lean. 

Guess what? Automatically my brain working.They control what I'm eating!! Wow!! Never expect that...haha.. Now, Im very particular what I'm eating & try my best to avoid RICE (I love to eat this but also main reason why I put on weight).

The result??
My stamina body feel a bit light..flexible & easy to move!! Yeah...yeah....MOST IMPORTANTLY NO MORE BAD MOOD! 

Continue with EAT HEALTHY soon....

Thank you for reading :) 

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Sleepless night? No more...

Tidur adalah sangat penting untuk bayi anda .... tetapi ia juga sangat penting untuk anda dan seluruh keluarga anda. Aku pernah mengalami anak yg susah tidur. Terutama sekali masa Liqa kecik. Setiap malam dia akan menangis dr pukul 12am kadang-kadang sejam paling lama pun 2-3 jam..lepas itu dia akan tidur balik..boleh dikatakan setiap malam camtu...fobia beb nak tido mlm dulu. Mak mentua aku kata dia kena sawan tangis sb bila malam je dia nangis non-stop.

So sekarang sejak dia dah 2 tahun still sometimes dia meragam nak tidur tapi tak ada la selalu sampai orang satu rumah fobia nak tido..hehehe..Bila time Gibran plk…masa baby alhamdullilah he easy to put on sleep ….tapi ku sangka kan panas hingga tenghari tp mendung (btl ke?) Bila umur dia masuk 1tahun ni memang susah betul nak tido…kadang-kadang smpi kul 12 pun tak tidur-tidur. Kalau dia tido awal pulak dia akan bangun every 2 hours..bukan nak menyusu tapi ajak main.

Anda tau tak kita pun perlu tidur yang secukupnya macam baby juga kerana kekurangan tidur boleh mengakibatkan

· anda mengalami hilang focus,

· produktiviti yang lebih rendah di tempat kerja,

· kanak-kanak boleh melihat sekolah mereka merosot.

· berbahaya ketika memandu dan membuat anda lebih terdedah kepada penyakit.

· membawa kepada hilang pekerjaan dan juga hubungan kasih sayang yang tidak dapat dibaiki kerana bayi menangis.

Ini adalah potensi-potensi nya........ tapi anda dapat tidur yang secukupnya kalau korang baca ni sampai habis. Nak tau penyelesaiannya bagaimana? 

Belilah Baby Sleep Solution..cehh..terpromote pulak. seeriuosly, bukan nak promote tapi nak recommend kan untuk ibu-bapa yang sama masalah cam ni. Sekarang tak perlu bangun 2,4 pagi selalu & paling bagus sekali NO MORE HASSLE to put my kids to sleep. Nak tau kenapa aku recommend kan sebab;
  •  NO SHIPPING FEES dan sebagainya just DOWNLOAD dengan itu baby korang malah korang sendiri  dapat tidur dengan nyenyak. 
  • pelbagai teknik dlm ebook audio ni korang boleh cuba dan macam-macam lagi..
  • affordable to have it... seriously...
Nak tau lagi just 
(Amaran:Jangan klik kalau korang tak nak tidur yang nyenyak).

Friday 13 December 2013

I'm back

Assalammualaikum semua,

Setelah sekian lama "menghilangkan" diri hari ni I'm ready to reveal myself! Wahh...gitew ayatnya...
Tak sangka I learned many things since I left this blog. Salah satunya...ramai lagi orang suka baca blog. Even aku punya "idup segan mati tak mau" (betul ke?) tapi ada juga orang yang datang baca..hehe.. MUCHO GRACIAS atau TERIMA KASIH kerana sudi baca blog ni..alhamdullilah.

Now, my hero Gibran nawfal atau nama fames dia Gibby dah masuk 1 year ++ & kakaknya Liqa 2 years++ . Ini adalah salah satu faktor aku tak boleh concentrate to this blog coz I'm getting SUPERBZ COZ I'M SUPERMOM!!  Haha..syok sendiri! Tu belum kerja full time lagi kalau kerja full time tak de nya dah blogging ni... I salute to those  mother out there yang kerja fulltime and balik rumah take good care of their kids especially yang single mother...fuuuhhhh.. really SUPERPOWER! Ye la nak tak nak kita la kena buat tak kan nak soh jiran sebelah masak pulak kan...tu pun idup berjiran. 

Well, that's all for now. i've got to go...many things to do before my both "warriors" wake up. 

Bye..hope continue soon!

Saturday 16 February 2013

How I be your Umi..(Part 1)

   Aku sendiri tak sangka dah jadi mak or ummi as my kids called me.Bukan senang sebenarnya jadi sorg mak..nak membesarkan anak especially zaman sekarang..boleh dikatakan aku sebenarnya buat family planning dulu lps setahun kahwin tp bila tak de anak masa tu memang la seronok sebab nak gi mane2 pun tak pe, nak jln tgh2 mlm pun tak pe bak kata org "honeymoon" lagi.

  Tak lama kelamaan jadi boring.Tengok kengkawan dpt baby aku seronok. Aku rasa lonely sb hubby pun busy dgn band & kerja dia.Aku pun mem'busy'kan diri dgn kerja aku (2 tahun dulu bekerja ye) & kengkawan..
Everytime kami kat rumah pun masing2 buat hal masing2,kami selalu bergado (which is sebelum ni masa couple kitorg tak pernah gado..seriously) & macam2 dugaan la sampai satu tahap we need our own space.

   Masa tu aku amik birth control pill without his permission till 1 day he saw the pills inside my bag..jeng..jeng..kantoi cam biase la kan org bersalah mesti la kena buat explanation..explained punya explained hubby soh aku pikir sendiri tuk future.."how is it gonna be" bila kita dah tua lebih kurang cam2 la dia ckp..tiba2 aku terdengar fav song aku third eye blind dlm kepala.."how is gonna be.." 

   Pada satu hari tu, aku terpikir mungkin bila ade anak nanti kami tak kan bergado cam sebelum2 ni..& mungkin ade anak he show his love to me..He will spent time with me & the kids..macam2 la..So aku pun tukar fikiran & agree to have a baby in our 1 year marriage which is aku plan nak baby bila marriage kitorg dah 2@3 tahun. Ye la kita merancang Allah menentukan..Macam2 la aku I strong enough to be a mom? Ye la nak jadi mak ni kena kuat mental tuk didik anak2 nanti, fizikal tuk bermain & jaga dorg nanti & keimanan tuk tahap kesabaran yg tinggi dgn kerenah diorg..

 2 bulan lps tu aku tak amik pill tu aku pregnant..he so excited & he really take good care of me..Aku pun amik la kesempatan nak manja dgn dia..hehee..He totally changed & prove to me he is good father after we got Liqa. Contohnya; bila aku breastfeed Liqa tengah malam dia pun akan bangun temankan aku so I'm not lonely..katanyer..but it sweet though..hihihi...

   However, drama tak abis kat situ je..pregnant kan Gibby lagi banyak drama yg mostly org tak tau..jeng..jeng..jeng...I will story you in next episode coz I'm sleepy now..hahaaa

Bye..see ya soon..


Saturday 9 February 2013

Goodnight everyone!

   Hi there.. just a quick update what is going on with my hectic life! Still busy with my 2 ninjas..hehehe..& the good news is I'm involved in my own business..yeahh...finally!! Hopefully, for those read this don't hesitate to check out My Shop just click the banner & it will direct you to my facebook.

   Soon I'll be doing segment for those nak comment/feedback ke discuss ke about anything could be your life..families..current issues..bla..bla..blaa... so should I call the segment "Shout out" or "My Confession for today"...You decide & pls don't hesitate or malu-malu meow nak comment.. Jgn takut I ignore your comment coz...I like to comment on what ever people comment..(banyaknya comment). Ni la dia bila tak cukup tido merepek meraban sampai masuk jamban...waahhh cam pantun pulak..hihihi..

  Ok la..before it getting worst I think I should go to bed now..

 Bye..see ya soon!!


Thursday 7 February 2013

Bedtime horror

Finally I get a time to update this blog! Never imagine that I can be this busy even as a fulltime housewife..seriously.. Sometimes I forgot that my kids is grown up everyday is challenge for me,for now bedtime routine is more challenging than any things else (but still cooking is my 1st challenging task..hahaa). Everynight my hubby & I take each one of them to sleep. We can't put they together in bed because obviously Liqa will interupt me & need attention while I breastfeed Gibby OR Gibby will interupt his sister while she try to sleep..can you imagine how 5 months old baby did that...yeah..I know some of you will laughing & not believe what I said but it is true..Sometimes, it likes wrestling match between 4 of us...
   First 3-4 months really challenging because I don't have any experience to take care of 2 kids at same time & the result will be disaster after chaos. Eventhough I took care my lil bro while he still baby doesn't mean I experinced enough to take care of 2 kids! only for few hours till my mom or dad went home not a bedtime. Since I became Ummi (as my kids called me) my mom always remind me & I still believe in her words "Be independent & don't rely too much on other peoples." It's true..soon or later if we move to our own house we have to do by ourselves.I'm afraid when we lived independently I'll be "cultre shock being a mom"..hahahaa.. I mean I'll be more stressful instead of being happy with them..

  I try many methods (some of it I search in internet) how to make they sleep tidely till morning..some of methods that I had tried is put aromatherapy oil before bedtime this method only worked for few days. Play sentimental,light & easy music it's working but only few months..Finally, I figure out myself..I let them played until they tired..guess what?? It is working!! So now, I don't have to be stressful wrestling match when to come to bedtime..
Yippie..!! One problem with good lesson solved!! Another more to come I'll take it & prove to people that I can be a good & cheerful mom that as I wanted to be..

Well..that's all for now..see ya soon!!